DSI Tetra MIDI Controller

The Tetra analog synthesizer by Dave Smith Instruments is a very nice sounding synth but the user interface of it leaves much to be desired. This MIDI controller (designed by me, Witchmaster Creations is a name I have been using) enables editing of the Tetra a breeze.

The user interface is similar to that of DSI Evolver desktop. It features 16 knobs and a matrix style parameter list, you choose the row of parameters with 16 buttons. You can set the midi channel of the controller and control up to four different Tetras on different midi channels. It’s of course also possible to set layer to edit etc. By having 16 knobs it’s possible to edit all the steps of the built in sequencer at once.

The controller also features a display that shows the numerical values AND the description (waveform names, modulation destinations, note names etc.) to give you a clear indication of what you are doing.

Built using an Arduino UNO and has a dedicated PIC for merging midi input and midi data generated by this controller (to minimize latency for other midi data).


  • Make one for me!!
    Price please.
    F.T.G. Live

    • mick says:

      Hi Alfredo, sorry for the late reply. I’m currently working on a universal midi controller that will have the features of this one but will also work for other synths. It will be totally customisable with three big character lcd screens and 16 knobs. You may be interested in that one, it will be smaller and clearer to use.

      • Stephan Weber says:

        WHen will this be available?

        • mick says:

          Hi, sorry for the delayed reply. I’m not sure this will ever be available as a product, I’m working on a universal midi controller that will be smaller, will work for other synths also and have more features than this one.

  • murad says:

    can you please share the instructions for the uno build?

  • ayacombe says:

    It seems Line it isn’t possible to order one of these?
    Is there anyway to get access to your good work on this? I would love to build one of these myself

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