Boutique MIDI Converter

Boutique MIDI Converter v1.2

The Roland Boutique synths are great little devices, the MIDI implementation is however a bit flawed. With this tool for Windows you can automate the sliders and knobs on the Boutique synths from your DAW using simple CC messages or use the Boutique synths as MIDI controllers for Arturia Jupiter-8V or TAL U-NO LX or other VST instruments.

The CC numbers used for the JX-03 are the same as the ones used for the Organix JX-3P MIDI Expansion Kit so it might just be possible to program the JX-3P with the JX-03 if you have that expansion and this tool, this is however untested at the moment.

  • Conversion of Sysex – CC in both directions (you can choose to have only one direction enabled).
  • Filter out Start and Continue messages from your DAW so the internal sequencers on the Boutique synths won’t start.
  • Convert Channel Aftertouch to Modulation CC.
  • Works with all three Boutique synths at the same time.
  • Can also be used without a DAW (MIDI will just go through a MIDI interface on the computer, converted and sent out)
  • Runs minimized in system tray and can be automatically started with Windows.

Boutique MIDI Converter works for 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows 7 and newer. The program has been tested working in FL Studio 12, Sonar X3, Ableton Live 9 and Cubase but should work for any DAW.

The Boutique synths need to be connected to their hardware MIDI ports, connecting the Boutiques over USB will not work since sysex is not sent nor received over MIDI USB of the Boutique synths.


Get the limited demo version HERE to see if it works on your machine. The only limitation in the demo version is the lack of conversion for filter cutoff and resonance. If you find it usable you can get the full version by sending me a Paypal donation (see below).


Read the instructions how to install and use Boutique MIDI Converter HERE. There is also a separate one-page pdf with the list of mapped controllers, get that HERE.

Full version

To get a full copy of Boutique MIDI Converter, use the Paypal donation button below to donate 8€ and I will send you the full program. The full version doesn’t have any restrictions. The donation also includes all future updates to the program. (Contact me if you have waited for me to send you the full version more than 24 hours after donating.)


JX-03 Cubase Device Panel

Courtesy of Ady Seven (, here is a wonderful device panel for the JX-03 that you can use with Cubase in conjunction with Boutique MIDI Converter. Download it HERE


v1.3 (2016-01-09)

  • Windows 10 support

v1.2 (2015-12-11)

  • Saving / sending of patches (sysex)

v1.1 (2015-12-01)

  • Fixed a bug with automation of switches.
  • Delay level, time and feedback can now also be automated.

v1.0 (2015-11-25)

  • First public full version.



  • Jago says:

    Will there be a Mac version of this this amazing piece of software please?

    • mick says:

      I have started working on a Mac version, but I’m new to developing for Mac so it takes a while, because of other projects also. I’m hoping to finish it soon but there’s no guarantee.

      • Paolo says:

        waiting for a native mac version, you can try converting for mac the windows version using Winebottler. I succesfully created an OSX version of my System 1 editor developed in windows (with Delphi) with Winebottler

        • timm says:

          On Mac with Wine or Winebottler i have several issues, sometimes some faders work, but mostly crashes over and over again. So waiting too for the Mac version 🙂 or has anybody any suggestions? Thanks in advance

  • David Tausen Tryggvason says:

    The demo keeps crashing for me, I’ve been completely unable to start it even once.. I’d like to donate to get the full version as I’m really lacking the ability to stop the start/stop function from triggering the sequencer and without master sync it’s horrible to work with the synth and ableton.

    I’m using Windows 7 64-bit, I extracted the file and placed it in my Program Files folder, is there anything else I could do?

  • Bart says:

    The demo is not working for me on Windows 10 x64. There is an error whenever I check the “enabled” box for the conversion, saying there is no sufficient memory for such operation.

    • mick says:

      I have updated the program to support Windows 10 now also (hopefully). Can you try downloading the new demo version (same link) and see if it works for you? Replace all the files from the old demo if you still have it installed.

  • JEM says:

    Someone asked about a Mac OS X version. I hope that is still a possibility, that would be great, especially if compatible with OS 10.8.

  • Alves says:

    Will it work on win xp?

  • Esteban says:

    Could i use Arturia jupiter 8v as a librarian for the boutique jp-08.. I don’t like web utilities and would be nice to have all the arturias version patches avilable on the boitique..

    • mick says:

      At the moment this does not work. My tool can read and send patches so it wouldn’t be impossible to implement support for fxp patches created with Arturia Jupiter 8V. Currently I don’t have any time to look deeper into that, I’m going to research a bit how fxp files are structured though.

  • ALVES says:

    Hi Mick,

    Just to let you know i did receive my ju-06 and jp-08 but the boutique makes the framework 3.5 cause an error on the computer.
    Sometimes, it freezes my daw and i loose midi connection with the roland boutique.
    Any idea ?

    • Alves says:

      See the end of this message for details on invoking
      just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

      ************** Exception Text **************
      Sanford.Multimedia.Midi.OutputDeviceException: Le port est en train de transmettre des données au périphérique. Attendez que les données soient transmises et réessayez.
      at Sanford.Multimedia.Midi.OutputDeviceBase.Send(Int32 message)
      at Sanford.Multimedia.Midi.OutputDeviceBase.Send(SysRealtimeMessage message)
      at BoutiqueSysexToCC.frmMain.midiInDevice_SysRealtimeMessageReceived(Object sender, SysRealtimeMessageEventArgs e)
      at Sanford.Multimedia.Midi.InputDevice.c__DisplayClass12.b__10(Object dummy)

  • Josh B says:

    Any status update on an OS X version?

  • Mike says:

    Hi. Would you be interested in helping gain midi cc control over the roland aira efx modules? there is a video here explaining what I am trying to do.

  • EThan Nahte says:

    Any mac versions?

  • plastikbjo says:

    Hello… I see you made a demo version that was tested in Windows XP… is this still available?

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